Friday, July 20, 2012


 The Universe just looves to shut me down. I know what you're thinkin' Lindsay, *puts hand on shoulder* we all feel that way sometimes but we just have to learn to pick ourselves back up. .
 But Seriously. There I am at what seems the high point of my existence thinkin' : I couldn't possibly be any happier/more excited/cooler/ Then *BOOM* or *CRUNCH* or *THUD* or *SCREAM* or (whatever sound affect goes with it) I'm back down again. Mood = killed.
Here's an example: (one of many)
My  friends Portia, Aspen, Jeannie, and I all had plans to go to Old Mill. This creepy run down old mill (thus the name) and just explore. ya know, just for kicks. Well we wanted to go when it was dark so as to maximize our experience.BUT since the whole area is surrounded by chainlink fence we were scouting out our entry route during the day. And whilst we were doing that we sounded something like this:
"We're so cool. Honestly I've never met anyone cooler than us."
"Totally. We're so brave too. We should sleep here one night, just to prove how cool and brave we are."
And other things were said.  Our egos were getting pretty big.
Then all a sudden we see a snake!!! A HUUUUGE 20 ft 500lb monster!!! It's body as thick as my waist!! Just snakin' its way out of the broken window of the old mill!!!!!!

Just kidding. It was a tiny six inch little garder snake that slithered, ever so quickly, across our path. But for the way we reacted it could have been that massive python.I think I may have even peed a little. DON'T...repeat that.

Well needless to say that snake, and the universe, pretty much proved how "brave" we were. I guess it's good it keeps me humble. To some extent... But at the same time...

Really Universe? Ya couldn't just let it pass? Just this once?

Universe: *in a voice like thunder* NO!.... SHUT DOWNNNN!...

And this is only one of many examples I could give. Tune in later for more.

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