Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The high note

There I was; Dozing in the single's ward sacrament meeting in Laramie, Wyoming. Before resting my head on the pew in front of me, I had checked the hymns that we were supposed to sing, and decided I'd wake up long enough to sing them.
"Mmm-hmmm. Pretty good line-up I'd say" I said to my sister Kylee as I shut the hymn book and resumed my nap.
The first few went well I woke up after the talks and I even got the harmonies going. wooo! they were good.
THEN: Carry On.
Oh baby. I just remember one time in my own ward, something musta been in the sacrament water because when we sang that song: We. really. sang.
My family usually sits in the back of the church with the crying babies, snoring husbands, and toddlers throwing cheerios and crayons, so we don't hear too much singing from the people around us. But on that Sunday there was not a voice in the chapel that wasn't belting it out.
except it sounded better than that... probably, depending on how you made it sound in your head.

Well anyway this lady behind us was singing along. sing sing sing when the last line came, and the last note of the last line sounds kinda like this;

Well she nailed it. Really it was good. She also gives voice lessons to kids in the ward so I guess that makes sense.
And while I was in that Laramie church building I decided to go for that note. To Mariah Carey the shiz outta it.
Here it comes:

and it sounded how this looks:

Well needless to say I screwed that up. The guy in the pew in front of us even turned around. (jerk) just kidding I do that to sometimes. Just turn around and give them this look like "what are you doing?" and shake your head. As they go quiet and close the hymn book. "leave it to the choir buddy."
But that guys dissaproving look didn't stop me. NO NOT I. errr.. NAY NOT I. I went for that note again. AND THIS TTIIIMMEE...

It ended the same way.

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