Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Mind

 10 facts you'd never know about me (unless I told you).
-When I was younger and the priests blessed the sacrament through the speaker under the table, I thought it was God talking. 
- When people say the words "hat back" in that order I think it's funny. Don't ask me why.
- I spent a good two years or more praying that I'd grow wings. I never got them.
- To me, these things all go together: The color green, Thursday, forks, November, 7, and left ( as opposed to right)
- I have a spot in my eye. It follows the words on the pages of the books I read and is sometimes distracting.
- I thought actors just had to re-act the whole movie every time someone watched it, and I always felt bad for them. I guess I never thought about fast forwarding and rewinding.
- I thought "the smorning" was the time after you woke up in the morning to the time just after breakfast. Later, I realized that it was "this morning."
-I have the same dream every time I'm sick.
- I like the hiccups. ( I hardly ever get them.)
- I sometimes assign people "spirit animals". Animals they kinda look like. Or spirit fruit. If you're that kind of person. I actually know a kid who's a piece of popcorn.

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