Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Mind

 10 facts you'd never know about me (unless I told you).
-When I was younger and the priests blessed the sacrament through the speaker under the table, I thought it was God talking. 
- When people say the words "hat back" in that order I think it's funny. Don't ask me why.
- I spent a good two years or more praying that I'd grow wings. I never got them.
- To me, these things all go together: The color green, Thursday, forks, November, 7, and left ( as opposed to right)
- I have a spot in my eye. It follows the words on the pages of the books I read and is sometimes distracting.
- I thought actors just had to re-act the whole movie every time someone watched it, and I always felt bad for them. I guess I never thought about fast forwarding and rewinding.
- I thought "the smorning" was the time after you woke up in the morning to the time just after breakfast. Later, I realized that it was "this morning."
-I have the same dream every time I'm sick.
- I like the hiccups. ( I hardly ever get them.)
- I sometimes assign people "spirit animals". Animals they kinda look like. Or spirit fruit. If you're that kind of person. I actually know a kid who's a piece of popcorn.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Credit for Living*

"Let's 'Insti' this."
And they stopped while I climbed higher
To where the rock met the sky
And there they were; low-fi *click* apply
Filtered photographed faces. Memories of the places
They stopped living to create the illusion that they were.
Memorializing the occasions they left their friends of flesh and blood to find
Filters, followers, and friend requests.
Virtual validation. Credit for living comes in comments
(please comment), clicks, and likes.
Who would have guessed
That this apple would be rotten
That so soon people would have forgotten
 To unplug, sign-out, log-off, and live.
Afraid to disconnect from the umbilical cord that keeps them connected
That when unplugged
All 647 of their friends weren't there-
Like they expected.
Holed up in #hashtags and hidden behind 'Hudson' and 'Hefe'
And deaf
To the sounds outside their earphones.
Face to face conversations
interrupted by ringtones
The people they prefer are pixelated.
But please, I have a pulse.
No login or password are required
Veins and arteries run through me
Not wires.
Ipod, Iphone, Icloud, Itouch
I feel.
And I'd kneel
And beg you to come back
To a world where your emotions aren't all Times New Roman.

*This is a first draft. I may revise it later.