Saturday, June 9, 2012

Junior year is over!!! It went by so fast it's just crazy *sigh* Welp. enough riminiscing did I spell that right? whaaaatt eevverrr summer has begun!!!...began? what is it? <-see i'm already losing my education. A sure sign summer is here.
 You know that commercial where the boy gets out of the pool and shakes his head to get water out of his ear and math facts and words fall out? and a vioce says " children can lose up to two months of what they learned during the school year throughout the summer months, get it back with Sylvan learning center where we work for you!! One call that's all! give experience a try." it's some tutoring center advertisement. Anyway that's me. I wake up in the morning and find physics equations on my pillow. and when I blow my nose ,history comes out and all my english clogs the's only a matter of time before my heads empty and this stuff won't be a problem anymore. It'll be filled with biking, swimming, frisbee, soccer, sunshine, chalk drawings, stars, longboards, boating, tanlines, drinking from the hose, and you know all that summer stuff and i'll probably forget cursive too. 

Well I don't have a picture or nothing but I'll leave you with this bit of advice:
Check out Blind Pilot's new album We Are The Tide. and enjoy it. now. go on. check it ch-check it out.

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