Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It's that time of year again, when piles of old junk appear outside houses on the side of the road. Ripped couches with stuffing hanging out , smashed TV sets, and broken cabinets are just a few of the treasures found in these jackpots. My friend and I the past two years have really capitalized on the stuff just laying out in the road. Old dining room sets, toilets, couches, hockey sticks, scrap wood, I mean really "It's amazing what these Who's just throw away!!!" in the words of the Grinch.  our finds last year you ask? old drapes ,i think they were anyway , when cut into strips they made really nice bows. I mean it. I don't know what I used the bows for but that's irrelevant and irrelephant. And a few other items I won't bother you with. This year we topped that by a mile! A leather couch and an old tv set used to furnish our awesome fort... It's a shame our transportation didn't fit that theater system...

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