Thursday, May 31, 2012

cottage in the woods

The other day I looked outside and saw an awesome sunset, so grabbed my camera "da do dodo"( <- sound of me grabbing my camera) and went to take a picture. Long story short they were really crappy. but I got these. Sorry i couldnt rotate the first two so just look at them like this (:
It kinda looks like a house out of a fairytale rather than just my shed in my backyard.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It's that time of year again, when piles of old junk appear outside houses on the side of the road. Ripped couches with stuffing hanging out , smashed TV sets, and broken cabinets are just a few of the treasures found in these jackpots. My friend and I the past two years have really capitalized on the stuff just laying out in the road. Old dining room sets, toilets, couches, hockey sticks, scrap wood, I mean really "It's amazing what these Who's just throw away!!!" in the words of the Grinch.  our finds last year you ask? old drapes ,i think they were anyway , when cut into strips they made really nice bows. I mean it. I don't know what I used the bows for but that's irrelevant and irrelephant. And a few other items I won't bother you with. This year we topped that by a mile! A leather couch and an old tv set used to furnish our awesome fort... It's a shame our transportation didn't fit that theater system...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

my make-do studio

 By the time this Memorial Day weekend is over I'll have spent the majority of it holed up in my house painting. My stereo and paintbrush were all the company I needed plus the sweet sounds of my friends Paul Simon and Buddy Holly.

my first oil painting

My first complete oil painting. I promised my friend back in December I'd paint her a picture of an elephant for her birthday. It only took me what, five months to finally get around to it? It still needs a few finishing touches but overall I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.